call a SDaaS command
call a SDaaS command
log a critical error and exit SDaaS
a wrapper for cat
a wrapper for curl
a wrapper for curl with content management for RDF
a wrapper for curl with content management for SPARQL command files
return an error code and log a message
include a module
log a message
a wrapper for rapper
analyze the return of a piped command
load a set of nTriples into a named graph within a graph store
a sparql query alias
query a graph store with SPARQL
a sparql query alias
a sparql query alias
update a graph store with SPARQL
erase a graph store
return the number of triple un a graph store
url encode a string
generate an uuid
validate a variable content against a regular expression
describe SDaaS agent properties
display all declared configuration variables
display all functions exported by a module
display all modules in SDaaS distribution
print the SDaaS language Profile
print the version of SDaaS interface