

sd_kees_is [-D “sid=SID ] [-s SID] STATUS


Returns 0 if the knowledge graph has is a date associated to STATUS

is one one of :
  • ingested : means that the knowledge graph is ingested
  • reasoned : means that the knowledge graph is reasoned
  • enriched : means that the knowledge graph is enriched
  • published : means that the knowledge graph is published
  • versioned : means that the knowledge graph is versioned
  • stable : means that the knowledge graph is published or versioned and not invalid
  • invalid: means that there is a knowleghe graph invalidation request
  • empty: means that the knowledge base is empty
  • locked: means that the knowledge base is locked
-s SID, -D “sid=SID
connect to Graph Store named SID ( STORE by default)


The default context is loaded from the SD_DEFAULT_CONTEXT configuration variable

Exit status

Exits 0 on success, and > 0 if an error occurs.


Since SDaaS 4 - Enterprise Edition


Last modified May 25, 2024: update (b072536)