
loads all data dumps in a VOiD dataset


sd_learn_dataset [-s SID] [-D METADATA] DATASET


Loads all dataset dumps file according with VoID specifications.This command is essentially the same as the combination of the following pseudo code:

for dd in $(echo "SELECT DISTINCT ?dd { <$graph}> void:dataDump ?dd }" | sd sparql list); do
    sd learn resource 
the URI of a VOid Dataset to be load. Only datasets exposing data dumps are considered.
-s SID
connect to Graph Store named SID ( STORE by default)
the following local variables are supported:
Variable NameDefaultDescription
sidSTOREsame as -s
trust1Trust level as a xds:decimal ranging 0..1
activityActivitya KEES activity type (without namespace) OR xsd:anyURI
graphsame of sourceXSD:anyURI Named graph name
activity_iduuidXSD:anyURI Identifier for a prov:Activity
started_atactivity start date
accrual_policyPOSTgraph accrual policy: POST or PUT

Exit status

Exits with 0 on success, and > 0 if error occurs.


Since SDaaS 4


sd learn resource -D “graph=https://dbpedia.org/” https://dbpedia.org/resource/Milan

Last modified May 6, 2024: updated (1e7acb8)