
loads an RDF file with its provenance metadata


sd_learn_file [-s SID] [-a PUT|POST] [-D METADATA] FILE


Loads a file into the graph store. This command is essentially the same as the combination of the following piped commands:

sd_rapper | sd kees meta | sd sparql graph 
the path of a local file (both relative or absolute). COuld be omitted if -D “input_file=FILE” is present.
-s SID
connect to Graph Store named SID ( STORE by default)
the graph accural policy. can be PUT or POST. With PUT data substitute existing graph, with POST data is appended to the graph
the following local variables are supported:
Variable NameDefaultDescription
sidSTOREsame as -s
trust1Trust level as a xds:decimal ranging 0..1
activity_typeLearninga KEES activity type (without namespace) OR xsd:anyURI
graphsame of sourceXSD:anyURI Named graph name
graph_typeFirstPartyDataa KEES named_graph type (without namespace) OR xsd:anyURI
sourcefile://localhost/<absolute FILE path>XSD:anyURI in file: schema
activity_iduuidXSD:anyURI Identifier for a prov:Activity
started_atactivity start date
accrual_policyPOSTsame as -a

Exit status

Exits with 0 on success, and > 0 if error occurs.


Since SDaaS 4


sd learn file -D “graph=urn:app:config” /etc/config.ttl